A classic.

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Wednesday, June 4, 2014


Active Hang, 1 minute
Doorway Stretch

Warm Up

Bottom of Squat, 1 minute
Plank Hold, 1 minute
Hollow Hold, 1 minute
15 Wall Squats
15 Lat Activations
15 Push Ups

Classic Strength

Bench Press: 3×5 – Rest 90 seconds

Hollow Rocks 3x:45 – Rest 60 seconds

Notes:  You will perform your bench press first, then the hollow rocks second. This is the same work being performed as the Advanced strength, except without percentages.  This is designed for the newer athlete that does not have a true 1 rep max, but we still want you to keep track of these numbers because you will be repeating them over the coming weeks  Perform 2 warmup sets and then add weight each set as needed.    

Advanced Strength

Wendler Cycle 2, Week 3:

Bench Press: 75% x 5, 85% x 3, 95% x 1+
Hollow Rocks 3x:45 – Rest 60 seconds

Notes:  Percentages are based off 90% of adjusted 1 RM. When you see 1+, that means you do the max reps you can manage with that weight, with the goal of setting a rep record in each workout.  Perform a few warm up sets before getting into your working sets.  Keep rest intervals around 2 minutes. Click HERE for a full description of the Wendler 531 cycle.

Classic Conditioning

AMRAP 12 minutes:
10 Thrusters (95/65)
10 Pull ups

Notes: Scale with ring rows as needed.

Advanced Conditioning

Thrusters (95/65)

Notes: If you’ve never performed this classic benchmark as prescribed, go for it and set a true baseline.  

Cool Down

Wrist/ Forearm Stretch, 1 minute
Lat Stretch, 1 minute each
Straddle Stretch, 2 minutes


Fran Day! Today we are testing the most infamous and classic workout in CrossFit. The workouts this week have been simple and affective and Fran is no exception. We rarely tell people to “go heavy” for a workout but today, if it is within your physical capability to do a few thrusters at 95 or 65 pounds and you can do even a few pull ups without a band, then we want you to try to accumulate those forty five reps of each movement and set a baseline for the workout. Whatever scale you need, make the workout as difficult as possible up to actually completing it as prescribed. It is a guarantee we will test this workout again in the future. It is always amazing to see the progress an athlete has made through a Fran retest based on its simplistic nature. A stronger athlete can move the barbell more easily but that same athlete must have the strength to bodyweight ratio to efficiently complete the pull ups, and, that same athlete must have the aerobic base to not burn out through the 90 reps. All three modalities are tested and improvement is perfectly measured. So hit this one hard today and focus equally on those three tenants of strength, body composition, and endurance and you will be rewarded in the retest of this workout and the validation that you are a better athlete.  

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