I Hear Protein is a Steroid

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Thursday April 10, 2014


Wrist Mobilization
Theraband Routine
Ankle Mobilization


1 min jump rope practice
30s Hollow Hold
5 lat activations (wide)
5 lat activations (narrow)
10 scap pushups
30s Plank Hold

Gymnastics Strength:

15 minutes for quality:
2 Wall climb + 15 second Handstand hold
20 Hollow Rocks
10 Muscle up Ring Row

Notes:  Perform a wall climb and hold 15 seconds before lowering.  Focus on moving slowly through the ring row and catch the “transition”.  Maintain false grip and extend arms as your mobility will allow.  Advanced athletes may practice strict muscle ups.


50 Push Ups 
100 Double Unders 
40 Push Ups 
75 Double Unders 
30 Push Ups 
50 Double Unders 
20 Push Ups 
25 Jump Rope Double Unders 
10 Push Ups 
-20m Cap-

Notes: Focus on quality movement!  Set up an incline or use bands if needed to ensure good body position! Sub double under attempts or 3x Single Unders for Double Unders. 

Cool Down

Accumulate 1 minute side plank each side
German Hang 1 min
Foam Roll Calves

Protein…a very mysterious macronutrient that is supposed to be the holy grail of lean gains and weight loss, everyone should be guzzling a protini immediately post workout, but according to recent studies it will kill you. So what is one to believe? How much should you consume per day? Do you need a protein shake post-workout?

The above slideshare is a great reference that I highly suggest reading through, even if you “know” how much protein you should get in a day. Although the information is presented under the context of “how much protein do bodybuilders need?” the studies referenced are applicable to the type of training we do here at Paradiso CrossFit.

The “TL;DR” (too long, didn’t read) key takeaway from the slideshare is .82g/lb of bodyweight seems to be the upper limit at which protein intake benefits body composition in strength athletes. For a 150lb athlete this equates to 123g of protein- in practical terms this can be achieved by consuming just under 1lb of meat per day as part of a diet that includes protein from plant foods, no supplementation needed.

I have found that you only need to supplement protein if: 1)You have trouble eating enough protein from whole food sources in your regular diet 2)If you want to maximize recovery, but can’t stomach protein dense whole foods post WOD 3)If you are traveling and it is difficult to get enough protein without breaking the bank. I want to talk to point #2 though; carbohydrate is the real key to recovery. Studies have shown that carbohydrate + some protein post-workout is the most effective combination. For example, one study at the University of Texas found that athletes restored muscle glycogen 8x faster when given a carb + protein solution post-workout vs. protein alone.

Rather than stress about getting that protini in, make sure you are consuming enough carbohydrate ASAP post-workout. I personally consume a small (14g) amount of whey protein hydrolyslate in liquid form and eat sweet potato/rice about 15 minutes after I finish training.  

Author: Matthew Walrath

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