Come on in!

Wednesday February 5, 2014


Inaugural Track Night at Venice High School at 6pm – Sign up HERE!

Check out Yoga at 8pm – Sign up  HERE



Theraband Routine
10 PVC Dislocates
10 Wall Squats


Warm Up

Run 400m
2 Rounds: 
10 Push Ups
10 Good Mornings
10 Overhead Squats
5 Power Snatches
5 Snatch



10 minutes to establish a 1RM Power Snatch

Notes:  We will spend some time warming up to working weight and then you will have the following 10 minutes to find a new 1 RM.  Newer athletes can spend this time working on technique from positions 1 and 2.  Focus on hip contact and speed under the bar, no press outs!


Classic Conditioning


5 Kipping Muscleup transitions
5 Dips
5 Power snatch (95/65)
5 Overhead squats

Notes:  Sub Power cleans and front squats as needed for the snatch/ohs.


Advanced Conditioning


9-7-5 of:

Snatches (135/95)

-15 minute cap-

Notes:  This is one of the ultimate tests for a competitive CrossFit athlete!  The snatches are full squat. 


Cool Down

2 Rounds:
Hollow Hold, max effort
10 Wall Extensions
Straddle Stretch, 1 minute

This is virtuosity. 

I just wanted to give a shout out to some of the new face I have been seeing at the barbell sessions both at night and on the weekend. It takes courage to try something new and I can say with certainty these newcomers were welcomed by the regulars and made marked improvements, with even one session. There is programming written each day for these classes but I encourage people to come even if they want to work on a specific weakness or make minor tweaks to a lift. If your goal for the challenge has anything to do with a barbell, I strongly recommend coming into a VBC session to work toward thats specific goal. 

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