EIE Challenge Details

Yoga for CrossFit at 8pm at Venice – Reserve your spot  HERE

Wednesday, January 8, 2014


Monster Walk
Side Plank Leg Raises
Straddle Position Leg Raises
Samson Stretch

Warm Up

Run 400m
2 Rounds:
10 Wall Squats
10 Bird Dogs, each
5 Inch Worm
10 Jumping Squats


30 minutes to establish a 1RM Back Squat

Notes: Perform a few warm up sets of 3-5 reps, gradually adding weight as you go to make sure you are sufficiently warm.  Once you reach the 80-90% range, take 2 minutes rest then perform a “Walkout” (simply set up like you’re going to squat, walk out of the rack, and hold the weight on your back for 5 seconds – DO NOT attempt to squat – belts are recommended for this movement) with 5-10% more than your projected maximal Squat.  After your “Walkout”, rest 2 minutes then begin your near maximal and maximal attempts. If you have not missed an attempt you may go slightly over the time limitation.

Classic Conditioning

5 Rounds of:
15 Deadlifts (135/95)
5 Muscleup Transitions
10 Pushups
-15 min cap-

Notes:  Be sure to set up and practice your ring work and pushups during the strength portion.  The muscle-ups should be challenging and the pushups should be full range of motion.

Advanced Conditioning

5 rounds of:
2:30 to complete-
15 Deadlifts (135/95)
ME UB Muscle-Ups
Rest the remainder of the 2:30.

Notes:  If you cannot do a set of more than 4 UB MU’s, try to maintain at least 5 reps every round.

Cool Down

Straddle Stretch, 2 minutes
15 PVC Dislocates
Foam Roll IT Band and Glutes


Alrighty!  We have posted a couple lead in concepts about the latest Everything is Everything challenge, but check out all the fun details…

1.  Sign up!  There will be a signup sheet at both gyms starting today.  Simply write your name down and you will be committed!  The cost will be our standard $25 and charged to your account.

2.  Create a Goal!  Everyone participating will be required to create one specific and measurable goal they would like to accomplish in the challenge.  These goals will typically fall into one of two categories:  body composition or performance.  This can be anything, but it has to be specific and measurable!  Here are a few examples of each:

Body Composition:
-Commit to lose 10lbs, not to just lose weight in general
-Commit to having 15% body fat, not just to look better naked

-Commit to performing 10 kipping pull-ups, not just to get “better” at pullups
-Commit to running a sub 6:30 mile, not just to be a better runner

Whatever your goal, we want you to collect and measure the before and after data that is related with this goal.  If your goal is based on body composition, check out where the Body Fat Truck guy will be HERE and drive out to get tested.  (by the way, we currently have him scheduled to come out the week after the challenge too!).  We think everyone should take a before and after pic.  For the performance goals, film your initial test and retest.  All of these things will be important for measuring improvement and hopefully sharing with the coaches and community when you accomplish your goals!

3.  The Fitness Test!   No matter what category your goal falls into, we have to measure your performance!  This top secret workout will be judged and performed next Friday at both locations, including a Friday Night Lights style event at MDR!  If you cannot make this Friday, don’t worry, you can make it up as long as you get a judge.  This will also be tested at the end of the challenge as well.

4.  The Winners!  The above information will be input into an online document, including some other information.  At the end of the challenge, you will update the information in this online document with the before and after results of your measurable goal as well as your fitness test improvements and the coaches will choose the top 3 men and top 3 women!  That means twice as many winners this year!  A few notes on how this selection process below:

Goal accomplishment – This doesn’t mean that you should set an easy goal that you know you can accomplish…actually, we want the opposite!  The winners will need to reach for the stars and go for the glory.  When selecting the winners, we will still consider those that fall short if they embody the spirit of the challenge and make big changes.  This challenge is not just about winning the challenge!!

Coaches Evaluation – This is not a popularity contest, so sucking up to the coaches won’t help!


I’m sure you have a lot of questions about how this is all going to work, so lets do a quick review:

-Signup at either gym.  Don’t think about it, just do it!
-Create a specific and measurable goal that you want to accomplish through this challenge
-Read our template from our post on Monday
-Start creating a plan of action and request to join our EIE Challengers Facebook Group
-Subscribe to this blog post so you can continue to learn more about how this challenge is going to operate, including support services and tips for success
-Compile your before data on your goal from above
-Perform the Fitness Test on Friday, 1/17
-Record all of you data in the soon to be released online document
-Attend the kickoff Potluck Party at Venice on Saturday, 1/18
-Kick ass for 6 weeks
-Accomplish your goals
-Change your life!

Please comment below if you have any questions!

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