Melting Pot.
Wednesday, 10/2/2013
Yoga at 8pm – Sign up HERE
Jump Rope Warm Up – 2 minutes
Theraband – Ext. Rotation/Shoulder Circles
10 Burpees
10 Scapular Push Ups
15 Push Ups
10 Scapular Push Ups
10 Burpees
5×5 Close Grip Bench Press, heavy as possible
Notes: This is meant to be similar to our pushup position. Remember, even though we are lying down, this is still a full body pressing movement! Be sure to set the shoulders and back, focus on full ROM, and hold your breath when it gets heavy!
Classic Conditioning
5 rounds for Calories of:
1:00 ME Row for Calories
1:00 Rest (active rest – keep the wheel moving slowly)
Rest 2 minutes – then…
5 minute AMRAP of:
1 Rope Climb
10 Burpees
20 Double Unders or Jump overs
Cool Down
2 rounds:
Hollow Hold – 60 seconds
Active Hang – 60 seconds
I will be coaching tomorrow night at the Marina Del Rey location for the first time in quite awhile. I am looking forward to seeing old faces and the new people I have yet to meet because MDR is their main box. With this change in scheduling I am reminded how important it is for every athlete to seek out as many coaching perspectives as possible. With complicated movements like Olympic Weightlifting and higher skill gymnastics, every good coach will have their ideas and cues as to how to achieve efficient movement. It is always interesting working with an athlete who seems to be struggling with something, only to have another coach give a cue that effects immediate successful change. Often, that new cue was similar to the what I was trying to say to the athlete, but hearing it from someone else made the difference. This is a good thing, as our goal collectively is to improve the movements and overall health of our members. As an athlete, my technique with certain movements has become a melting pot of different coaching theories toward what works best for me. So as you are progressing in your fitness goals, listen to the different cues from every coach and experiment in order to find what works for you.