Why do we crossfit?
Saturday, September 21, 2013
Beach workout at 1pm at Venice! Bring a friend for free and be prepared to get wet! Sign up HERE.
Mobility/warm up:
2 rds:
PVC dislocates x10
Wall Facing squats x10
KBS moderate weight x10
Legless Rope Hang 15 seconds
Alternate movements EMOM for 12 minutes:
1 Legless Rope Climb, 15′
3 position Snatch with light weight
Notes: Feel free to start on either exercise, this will be a total of 6 Legless Rope Climbs and 6 reps of snatches. Subs for the rope climb can be partial climbs, 2 rope lowers (down/up equals 1 rep) or 10 strict Ring Rows. No misses on the snatch, focus on speed and hitting positions over weight.
5 Rounds For Time:
400m Run
15 Overhead Squats 95/65#’
Notes: If you struggle to get good depth with a quality shoulder position, substitute front squats for the overhead squats. Log your score!
Cool down:
2 Rds
GHD sit ups x15
Side plank with Hip Abduction x10
Overhead Band distraction 1 min
Couch Stretch 1 min
Isn’t this enjoyable
Have Fun:
I’ve noticed recently that a few people (including myself) have not been quite as enthusiastic about going to the gym and knocking out 2 hour long Outlaw programming everyday. I personally have been feeling a little burned out, mostly because I’ve been so focused on training and constantly improving, that I forget why we I like Crossfit in the first place. Crossfit Games athlete Pat Barber says it best:
What up Ninjas? Just want to leave you a little reminder that I myself forget from time to time.
You have to have fun!! At least occasionally, you do. Workouts are hard. Shit, life is hard. And how we walk through training will affect how we walk though life so lets try to enjoy it! I will often forget to have fun for weeks on end and it really makes me question why I am doing all of this.
However, if you need to remember that you are doing this by choice and that you have the opportunity to be in the gym pushing your limits with friends. You are healthy and part of a larger awesome community.
Your friends in the gym could really give a shit less about how you preform and really just care that you go as hard as you can. When you remember all of that, training can be very fun no matter how hard the workout is.
So remember you are doing this all by choice so choose to have some fun and check out how much more enjoyable training is!!
Reading this was like a breath of fresh air. Yes the workouts are hard, training is intense, but as long as you constantly remind yourself to have fun, regardless of outcome. Then it makes burnout much less likely and your fitness gains will continue. With that being said, BEACH WOD TODAY (saturday) AT 1PM! Lets have some fun!