What you need??

Friday, June 21, 2013


Lat Stretch, 30 sec each side
Prone Dislocates, 15 reps
Shoulder Circles w/Theraband, 10 rotations each direction
10 Overhead Squats w/Barbell
5 Power snatches from each postion (High/low/Floor)

Classic Strength:

20 minutes to practice 3 Position Snatch, High to Low

     Notes:  This is 1 snatch from high hang + 1 snatch from knees + 1 snatch from the floor.  Ideally these will be full squat snatches.  Focus on making contact with the bar and perfect technique for each position.


Advanced Strength:

20 minutes to establish 1RM Snatch

     Notes:  You know the drill.  Be aggressive and go for it!




30 Snatches for time, 135/95

-15 min cap-

Notes:  This may either be performed as a Power or Squat snatch.  Choose one and stick with it for the entire workout.


Summer Six Packs:

20-15-10 reps, not for time of
GHD Sit ups
Good mornings

Y’all crazy

Last week, Matt from SFH came in to talk to us about their products, protein and fish oil.  He attended morning classes at Venice and evening classes at MDR.  It was great to have him here and many of the members were able to ask any and all questions and get them answered.  Matt was also sampling the different protein supplements and fish oil flavors.  Currently, PCF stocks the 10oz and 6oz fish oils (tangerine and lemon flavors) and 2lb Recovery Protein (chocolate, natural, and vanilla).  

For some of you, it was the first time experiencing the different flavors of fish oil and protein powders; the new Endurance In-Race (coconut flavor) was a big hit as well.  If there is anything that you would like please let me know.  To help save you an extra dollar or two on shipping you can email me directly at hynes@paradisocrossfit.com and I will be sure to put your order in and it will be delivered with our PCF Venice or MDR shipment.  

Check out all of the products @ www.sfh.com and email me with any requests.    

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