Redefining Normal

Weekly Programming Links:  Group Class, Venice Barbell Club


Monday, June 3


2 Rounds, 10 reps each:
Supported Ankle Stretch
Side Plank Leg Raises
Reverse Snow Angles with 1-2.5lb plates
Monster Walks
Bird Dogs

Classic Strength:

5×5 High Bar Back Squat – Rest 90 sec

Notes: Feel free to add weight as you go, but focus on good depth and positioning!

Advanced Strength:

5X2 Tempo HBBS @ 85% – rest 90 sec.

Notes: Quick descent, 3 counts (seconds) in the rock bottom, bounce and quick back up.

Classic Conditioning

20 KB swings
20 Cossack Squats
20 KB swings
20 pullups
20 KB swings
20 Box Jumps
1 min Rest
20 box jumps
20 KB swings
20 pullups
20 KB swings
20 Cossack Squats
20 KB swings
-20min cap-

Advanced Conditioning:

25 KB swings (72/53)
20 Pistols
25 KB swings
20 Chest to bar pullups
25 KB swings
20 box jumps
1 min Rest
20 box jumps
25 KB swings
20 Chest to bar pullups
25 KB swings
20 Pistols
25 KB swings
-20min cap-

Cool Down:

Standing Wall Extensions, 2×10
Pike or Plow stretch, accumulate 2 minutes
Foam Roll Calves and Quads, accumulate 5 minutes


The above picture is the left-overs from the craft food services on a commercial shoot from one of our members.  While no one will argue that this is a healthy diet, this picture reminds me of the difficult decisions people have to deal with on a daily basis, what is considered normal and what I am fighting to change.

If you didn’t know, we give an “Everything is Everything” talk every other week to our new members.  We discuss a simple idea that every person wants to be healthy and fit.  The question I ask each class is why is this so hard?  If everyone wants this thing, then why are so few people achieving this state of being?  Responses vary from class to class, but the most common answers are:  social pressures from friends and family, laziness, money, work/family obligations (no time), and convenience.  One simple way that I define my job is to create a place that all of these reasons evaporate.  I also joke that we are a support group for people that want to be healthy and fit.  Crazy right?  Doesn’t everyone support people that make decisions based upon their health and fitness?  Well, ask your friends how they feel about you going to bed at 10pm on a Friday night because you want to wake up early to train.  How about when you decline the tortilla chips at a Mexican restaurant because you are training?  You get the idea.  The world most of us live in is not designed to support your health and fitness habit, but that is slowly changing!

By prioritizing your Health and Fitness, you are all redefining normal and inspiring and changing the lives of those around you.  This is not just about winning events, but about participating, having fun and supporting each other.  Check out what we did this weekend to change our world…

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Left:  Flores and Graeme finish 1st and 2nd in their age group at the Love Run 10k in Westlake Village
Right:  Lara and Suver tied for 2nd place in the advanced division of the Femme Royale all ladies CrossFit competition


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Left:  All of the PCF ladies that participated in the Femme Royale competition this weekend!  Alissa and Steph finished 3rd in their Division!
Right:  Steve and Lindsay atop the podium after winning their division at the CAL CrossFit co-ed competition


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Left:  Ariel’s son Bane becomes the youngest CrossFit judge in the history of the sport
Right:  Jamie and Jordan got married this weekend and ran an “I Do” 5k with their family and friends to start off their wedding day


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