Paleo on the go…
Sunday, March 3, 2013
EIE Challenge Tip of the Day: Keep things interesting! Sunday is a great day to experiment with cooking a new recipe.
If you need some inspiration, use our new Recipe Index and let us know how it turned out on our Facebook page!
Lat activations
Samson stretch
Ankle mobility
Thoracic smash
Roll out glutes
Gymnastics Warm-up:
15 minutes or 3 rounds of:
ME Handstand hold
ME Chin over bar hold
ME Ring support
Notes: These should be all out efforts with perfect form! Use bands as needed and rest as needed.
Conditioning (Classic):
AMRAP 12 minutes:
20 Squats
10 Push-ups
5 Pull-ups
Notes: Focus on perfect form for these foundational movements! Good finishing positioning and full ROM for every rep!
Conditioning (Advanced):
“Hope for Kenya”
AMRAP 12 minutes:
50 Squats
30 Push-ups
15 Pull-ups
Cool down:
Jog 800 meters
Couch stretch, 1 minute each
Cat stretch, 1 minute
Active hang, 30 seconds
Tejs holding on! (thats pronounced ‘Tice’ by the way:)
Traveling can be stressfull in itself and even more so when trying to stick to paleo. I recently went on a weekend trip to San Fran to meet up with family. I made a plan so that I could stick to eating healthy while traveling, but also knew to keep in mind that things can change keeping it less stressful. Starting to eat this way can be difficult and overwhelming adding traveling to the equation doesn’t help at times. Just as others have said it is very important to plan ahead. Planning reduces stress and increases your success rate. Whenever I am traveling I pack my lunch and tons of snacks. Here is a list of foods that are good for traveling:
1. Fruit
2. Hard boiled eggs
3. Jerky (Steve’s original and primal packs)
4. Pre-cooked chicken (Applegate and trader joes)
5. Nuts or trail mix
6. Almond butter packs
7. Avocado
8. Lara bars
9. Deli meat
10. Dried Fruit
11. Coconut flakes
12. Raw veggies (peppers, carrots, cucumber, etc.)
13. Palaintain chips
14. Dark Chocolate
**I have pre-packed a salad in tupperware and simple dressing to eat on the plane. I have recently discovered Coconut Paleo Bread at whole foods and made a sandwhich (haven’t had a real sandwhich in 2 years : ))
As long as you plan and pack goodies for your traveling adventures you will ensure a happy and healthy trip! Comment below if you have tips and ideas that you use when traveling!!!