Planes, trains, automobiles (and burpees!)

Tuesday, December 11, 2012


Groiners with band
Ankle mobility with band
Assisted bottom of squat with band
Samson stretch

Group Warm-up:

Jog 200 meters
10 Air squats
Pigs-on-Skates, 5 steps forward, 5 back
10 Jumping squats
10 Sit up-to-standing (may use momentum)
10 Good mornings

Strength (Same for both Classic and Advanced, adjust percentages accordingly):

High Bar Back squat:
Every 30 seconds for 4 minutes- 1 rep @85% (9 total reps)
Rest exactly 2 minutes
Every minute on the minute for 4 minutes- 1 rep @90% (5 total reps)

Notes: The bar is racked between attempts.  These percentages should be challenging but not so heavy that there is a chance of failure.

  If an athlete does not know their 1RM for the percentages then work up to a weight in warm ups that should be sustainable for a set of 5 reps.

Classic Conditioning:

2 minutes Max Effort Kettlebell swings (53/35#)
Rest 1 minute
4 minute AMRAP of:
15 Push ups
10 Toes-2-bar or GHD sit-ups
Rest 1 minute
4 minute AMRAP of:
15 Jumping squats
5-10 Pull-ups
Rest 1 minute
2 minutes Max Effort Kettlebell swings

Notes: Scoring for this workout is each separate data point.  Each ME KB swing sets and each 4 minute AMRAP will be recorded.  For the pull-ups, you should scale to keep the intensity high!

Advanced Conditioning:

2 minutes Max Effort Kettlebell swings (70/53#)
Rest 1 minute
4 minute AMRAP of:
15 Hand-release Push-ups
10 Toes-2-bar
Rest 1 minute
4 minute AMRAP of:
15 Jumping squats w/barbell
10 Pull-ups
Rest 1 minute
2 minutes Max Effort Kettlebell swings

Cool down:

10 Wall extensions
Active hang
Straddle, 2 minutes


For a lot of us, the next few weeks means travel, family, food, and less than optimal training conditions.  Don’t let this stop you!  Skill work like double unders, handstands, handstand walking, and pose running drills are all things you can practice anywhere.  Chances are there is a Crossfit gym in or near most cities and most hotels have a gym you can put something together in.

  We have a great resource HERE for workouts that require nothing more than moving your own body weight.  Here’s Diso a couple years back reminding us that wherever you find yourself, there’s always time for a few burpees:)

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