Paradiso CrossFit WOD Blog

Wednesday, September 14, 2016

[youtube][/youtube] Check out this weeks WOD Demo with the Paradiso’s! Prehab Foam Roll Quads 20 groiners 20 Scapular retractions in ring row position Plank hold 1min Warmup Coach chooses warm

WOD For 8/8/2016

Strength: 2 rep max deadlift 60 chin-ups for time Conditioning: Filthy Fifty For time: 50 Box jump, 24 inch box 50 Jumping pull-ups 50 Kettlebell swings, 1 pood 50 Back

Tuesday, September 13, 2016

Focus! Do you have an action plan to reach your fitness goals? Make sure to check in with your coach to ensure you are on the right path and progressing

Monday, September 12, 2016

Kettlebells today? Follow jefemck for some cool kettlebell flow videos. Prehab Stretch Calves Stretch Achiles Foam Roll Quads Stretch Hamstrings Warmup Coach’s Choice Warm Up Warm up Technique for Strength Work

PCF University – Shoulder Therapy

Shoulder Therapy Coached by Missy Kai Hoffman PCF University Shoulder Therapy is a four week class that will have you covered with the basics of maintaining a healthy shoulder. The class

Sunday, September 11, 2016

Sunday Sun with VBC! Prehab Foam Roll Quads 20 Groiners 20 Scapular Retractions in ring row position Plan hold 1 min Warmup Coach’s Choice Warm Up Warm up Technique for

Saturday, September 10, 2016

  Burpees are better with a partner Prehab Stretch Calves Stretch Achiles Foam Roll Quads Stretch Hamstrings Warmup Coach’s Choice Warm Up Warm up Technique for Strength Work Conditioning 5

Friday, September 9, 2016

Wall Ball Squad  #squatlife Prehab Stretch Calves Stretch Achiles Foam Roll Quads Stretch Hamstrings Warmup Coach’s Choice Warm Up Warm up Technique for Strength Work Strength 20 Rep Back Squat

Thursday, September 8, 2016

Warming up for those jumping lunges Prehab Foam Roll Quads 20 groiners 20 Scapular retractions in ring row position Plank hold 1min Warmup Coach chooses warm up Warm up technique