Paradiso CrossFit WOD Blog

The Backbone of your Philosophy

Thursday, November 15, 2012 Warm up/Mobility:Jog 200 meters AND 60 seconds jump rope, 2 roundsDROMOverhead distraction with external rotation bias, 1 minute eachOlympic Wall squat, 2 minutes Barbell Gymnastics15 minutes

Mobility Night

Wednesday, November 14, 2012 Sign up for the Mobility Craft Night HERE!!! Warm Up/Mobility:400 meter JogDROM3 Rounds of:– 15 Air Squats– 3 Wall Climbs + 10 Shoulder TapsAssisted Bottom of

What if?

Tuesday, November 13, 2012 Warm-up/Mobility:Practice Double-unders, 5 minutes10 Good Mornings w/ bar10 Squats w/barHip mobility: incorporate with your Back squat warm-up setsGristle, Groiners, Posterior Flossing, Hip Mob w/ band Strength:Spend

Veteran’s Day

Monday November 12, 2012 Check out the weeky programming HERE! Sign up for the Mobility Craft Night this Sunday! Mobility/Warmup:Keg Drill, 2 minutes with barbellFoam Roll Lats, 1 minute each


Week of Monday, November 11, 2012    Single-Sport: Running Short Interval  6-12 x 300m, recover 1:00 Hold within 2-3 seconds Long Interval (Track Night – bring stopwatch) 3-6 x 1200m, 2:00-3:00

Who doesn’t love Pie..

Sunday, November 10, 2012 Mobility/Warm-up:Row 500 metersTricep mash or Super rack, 1 minute each15 Lat activationsAnkle mobility w/ band15 Ghd Sit-ups15 Hip extensions15 Air squats Barbell Gymnastics:2×5 Front squat @

OC Throwdown Registration

The OC throwdown registration is now open.! It is a huge two day event January 12th-13th. There is a three week qualification process, where one wod per week is announced

Joshua Tree – Rock Climbing Trip

Join us for two nights of camping and two days of climbing in the beautiful Joshua Tree National Park!  This will be our fourth trip to the park for an

Yes We Pemmican, Part 2

Saturday, November 10 2012 Mobility/Warmup:Row 500mSuper RackKeg DrillHip Extension with a band10 Front squat with an empty bar5 Strict presses  Barbell Gymnastics:Spend 15 min to establish a 1RM Clean and

Yes We Pemmican, Part 1

Friday, November 9, 2012 Check out Mobility Craft Night at the box coming up on November 18th! Click HERE or to the right on Upcoming Events to sign up! Warmup/Mobility:Row