Paradiso CrossFit WOD Blog
Cinnamon Bun Fat Bomb Bars
Sunday, November 10, 2013 Pre-hab/Mobility: Downdog Ankle stretch, 20x each Fire hydrants, 10 each direction Bounce arounds, 5 each direction Agility: 5 Rounds or 10 minutes: 5 Broad Jumps L-Drill
Express Your Fitness
Saturday, November 9 Prehab: GroinersProne PVC dislocates x15 Prone Snow angels x15 Warm up: “Roxanne” For duration of the song stay moving with jumping jacks, then perform Burpee every
Oh Helen!
Friday, November 8, 2013 Hydrostatic Body Composition Test at Venice from 7AM-7PM!! Prehab: Posterior Chain Floss Trap smash Warm Up: 2 rounds:200 meter Run10 PVC Dislocate with lunge10 T-Push ups10 Strict
Let it go
Swim Night cancelled tonight due to pool renovations! Thursday, November 7, 2013 Prehab Theraband External RotationsKeg Drill Warm Up Row 500 m2 Rounds of10 Inch Worms20 Mountain Climbers10 Broad Jumps
Leg Care
Wednesday, November 6, 2013 Prehab Foam RollPigeon, 1 min eachBanded Rack/Lat Stretch Warm Up Run 400m 2 Rounds w/ Barbell:10 Back Squats10 Front Squats10 Good Mornings Classic Strength 4
Tuesday, November 5, 2013 Mobility/Warm-up: DROM (wrists and ankles!)Keg drill, 2 minutesGroiners/Gristle Jog 400 metersUsing PVC or a light bar perform 2 rounds:10 PVC Dislocates10 OHS5 Sotts press5 Snatch balance5
1st Annual Affiliate Weightlifting Invitational at Waxman’s Gym
On November 3rd, Waxman’s Gym is putting on it’s first annual Affiliate Invitational as a thank you to the SoCal region CrossFit Gyms for enthusiastically promoting the snatch and clean
New Cycle
Weekly Programming: Group Class, Advanced, Venice Barbell Club Monday, November 4, 2013 Prehab Shoulder Circles with TherabandMonster WalksPigeon Hold Warmup Run 400m or Row 500m2 Rounds of:10 Jumping Squats15 Tuck
Sunday, November 3, 2013 Don’t forget about the time change!! Clocks fall back one hour! 🙂 Mobility/Warm-up: Jog 400 metersRack stretch with barbellGroiners10 Good mornings10 Pause front squats10 Push pressSamson