Paradiso CrossFit WOD Blog

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Weekly Programming Links:  Group Class, Advanced, Venice Barbell Club, Holiday Homework We will post a banner at the top of each blog this week to remind you about the Holiday

Pumpkin Pie

Sunday, November 24, 2013 Mobility/Prehab: Downdog ankle stretchGroiners/Gristle10x Cossack squats10x Wall extensions Agility 4 Rounds for best effort:3 Cone Shuttle Run – DEMO10 Speed Skater Hops – DEMO Notes:  Cones

Olympic Lifting at PCF

Saturday 11/ 23  Prehab: Fire Hydrants PVC Dislocates in prone Snow angels in prone Partner Warm up: Mountain Climbers Handstand Hold Push ups Air Squats While partner 1 runs 100

Snatches for Staches

Friday, November 22, 2013 Prehab: Tricep MashHip extension w/band Warm Up: 400 meter Run2 Rounds w/barbell:– 10 Good Mornings– 30 Second behind neck rack stretch– 10 Front Squats– 5 Hang

Blind Tequila Tasting

When:    Thursday, 11/21 @ 7pm Where:   Sandy Hill’s Venice Canals Home What:    We will be tasting 10-12 tequilas of various price ranges and ages presented in clear bottles.

Everyday Occurrence

Thursday, November 21, 2013 Prehab Keg DrillLat ActivationsGroiners Warmup Row 500 Meters or Run 400 Meters then2 Rounds of:10 Wall Squats15 Grasshoppers20 Situps Strength 3×5-10 Strict Pullups (See Below)3x20sec Ring

Mid Cycle

Wednesday, November 20, 2013 Prehab Theraband Shoulder WorkSeated Leg Lift in Straddle (see video below)Seated Leg Lift in Pike (see video below)   Warm Up 2 Rounds of:20 Mountain Climbers15

Paleo Thanksgiving Cooking Class

Tuesday, Nov 19th, 6-9:30pm Paleo Thanksgiving Class: Like the Pilgrims intended!-Sausage-Stuffing and gravy-Pie-with paleo crustClass ends with a group dinner and plenty of take home food. 6-6:30 Meet & MingleCooking

You vs. You

Tuesday, November 19, 2013 Prehab/Mobility: Keg drill, 2 minutes10x Seated OHS stretch (weighted PVC or light bar)20x Bird dogsGroiners Warm-up: 2x: 5 Good mornings5 Behind the neck press (snatch grip)5


Weekly Programming Links:  Group Class, Advanced, Venice Barbell Club Monday, November 18, 2013 Prehab Foam Roll Lats and TricepsAnkle MobilityKeg Drill Warmup Row 500 meters10 Wall Squats10 Good MorningsSuper Rack