Paradiso CrossFit WOD Blog
Trust Your Taste Buds
Saturday, July 5 Beach WOD- 11:30 am! Prehab: Keg Drill 2-3 min Doorway Stretch 2×30″ Snow Angels 2×20 (2.5lb plate) Partner Warm up: 3 rds of: Partner 1 runs 200m
Hero WOD ‘Daniel’
Friday, July 4, 2014 Reminder- Holiday Class Times today at 8, 9, 10am Only Prehab: Overhead Band Distraction Leg Swings Calf/ Wrist Stretches Warmup: All with PVC Pipe: 10 Dislocates
Good Morning, burpees!
Thursday July 3, 2014 Prehab T band routine Bird Dogs Fire Hydrants Warm Up Tabata Air Squats to med ball depth Cool Down Tabata Reverse Plank or Bridge Hold Fitness
Cindy Sprints
Gymnastics Club at 8pm- Venice! Wednesday, July 2, 2014 PreHab 15 Hip Extensions 15 PVC Dislocates 15 Pike Sit Ups Warm Up 2 Rounds: 5 Pull Ups or Ring Rows
Man Makers
Tuesday, July 1, 2014 Reminder to get your meat orders in by Friday! Click HERE for how this works! Prehab: Theraband External Rotations Bar Taps PVC Dislocates Warm Up: Row
Yosemite Valley’s 150th Birthday
Monday, June 30, 2014 Weekly Programming Links: Group Class, Venice Barbell Club, Paradiso Gymnastics Prehab Groiners, 60 seconds each side 10 Wall Extensions with PVC Sampson Stretch, 60 seconds each side Warmup
Sunday, June 29 Gymnastics Class 7pm- Venice Prehab: 10 Scapula Push ups 10 Inchworms 10 Lat activations Samson stretch/Gristle/Groiners Warm up: Jog 400 meters 10 Dumbbell Front Squat 10 Dumbbell
C.A.L. Individual Comp
This Individual Competition Series open to all CrossFitters who are at various levels. For some athletes it will be their first ever Competition, while others may have competed in several
XY/XX Team Comp
Ironclad Events and Crossfit Trifecta are hosting a team comp! Saturday, June 28, 2014 Cost: $125 per team 2 athletes per team: ONE male & ONE female2 divisions: Rx &