Paradiso CrossFit WOD Blog
2014 TCA Fall Kick Off
Team Crossfit Academy’s Fall Kick Off has arrived and of course VBC is sending out top dogs! Lets make a good showing for our team. Team Crossfit Academy 205 W.
Ashley Short
Saturday, September 13 Beach WOD at 11:30 am! (I promise!) Prehab: Monster walks 2×20″ Bird Dogs with band 2×10 Fire Hydrants 2×15 Keg Drill 2-3 min Warm up: Run 600m
Molly Hauge
Friday, September 12, 2014 Prehab: 10 Wall Extensions Banded Super Rack, 30 sec Wrist and Calf Stretches Warmup: 10 Lat Activations 30 sec High Knees (in place) 10 Pushups 30
Sam Lim is My Hero
Thursday September 11, 2014 Prehab Banded Rack Stretch 10 Calf raises + Calf Stretch 30″ Active Hang >1min Warm Up 20 Front Racked Barbell Lunges 5×5″ negative pullups or ring
There will be no parking tonight at Venice past 5:30! The parking lot is being rented out for the evening. Sorry for any inconvenience. Wednesday, September 10, 2014 PreHab Gristle/Groiner
Terri Conte Allegretto aka Mama T
Tuesday, September 9, 2014 Reminder to get your meat orders in by Friday! Click HERE for how this works! Prehab Theraband Routine Lat Activations Keg Drill Warm Up Run 400
Jerad Schutt: The short and sweet
Weekly Programming: Group Class, Gymnastics, Barbell Club Monday, September 8 Prehab Sampson Stretch, 60 seconds each side Reverse Snow Angels, 2×15 reps Pigeon Stretch, 60 seconds each side Accumulate 2
Sunday Run-day!
Sunday, September 7, 2014 Prehab: 10-15 Light Good Mornings Calf/Ankle mobility 10-15 Fire Hydrants Samson Stretch Cool down: Bottom of Squat, 2 minutes Pigeon, 2 minutes Bar/Ring hang, accumulate 2
Sole Bicycles Sample Sale
Let’s add more snazzy Sole rides to our bike rack! 🙂 First round was a raging success and our friends at Sole Bicycles are having another PCF Members Only Sample Sale