Paradiso CrossFit WOD Blog

The Muscle Up Deconstructed

Swim night at 7:30pm at Culver City Plunge. All levels welcome! Thursday, December 11 Prehab Bird Dogs Wrist Mobilization Foam Roll Thoracic Spine (upper back) and lats (your “wings”) Warm

Legends of VBC

Wednesday, December 10, 2014 PreHab Theraband Routine Wrist Mobility Rack Mobility Warm Up Run 400m 2 Rounds: 10 Push Ups 10 Toes to Bar 10 Grasshoppers Split up into Fitness

Just Squat, Always Squat

Tuesday, December 9, 2014 Reminder to get your meat orders in by Friday! Click HERE for how this works! Visit McCoy for Venice Barbell Club at 8pm! Prehab Monster Walks

Ted Talk

 Monday, December 8, 2014 Weekly Programming Links:  Group Class, Venice Barbell Club The Sudells!   Prehab Wrist and Ankle Mobility x 60 seconds each Foam Roll Legs x 90 seconds

Week of 12/8/14

Monday – Snatch/Squat 1) Snatch Pull: 4 x 3 @ all sets @ 95% – rest 2 minutes 2) Snatch: 6 sets of 2 reps @ 85-90% – rest 1:30 to

Filthy Fifty

Sunday, December 7, 2014 Prehab: Posterior chain flossing Samson/Gristle/Groiner stretching Wrist and ankle mobility Warm up: Jog 200 meters 5 Inchworms 10 Step ups 15 Double unders 10 Burpees 15

Kickin’ it for Kelly Fundraiser WOD

As some of you know, coach Steve’s 26 year old sister Kelly has recently been diagnosed with AML, an aggressive type of Leukemia and she is going through chemo as

Kickin it For Kelly WOD!

Saturday, December 6, 2013   Kickin’ it for Kelly Fundraiser Details:   MDR will be closed for this event. Heats will be running from 9am-Noon every half hour. We ask

‘Kickin’ it for Kelly’ Tomorrow!

Friday December 5, 2014 As I hope you know by now, our fundraiser “Kickin’ it for Kelly” is this Saturday and is for Steve’s 26 year old sister who has recently been diagnosed with

Why You Should Lift Heavy And What It Really Takes to Bulk Up

Swim night at 7:30pm at Culver City Plunge.  All levels welcome! Thursday December 4, 2014 Prehab Bird Dogs Wrist Mobility Hip Bridges Warm Up 200m Progressive jog to sprint :30