Paradiso CrossFit WOD Blog

Foundational Movements | How To Improve The Squat

Description Diso demonstrates a valuable technique to improve your squats. Wall squats can help you build strength and gain better mobility to get into a deeper position. The squat is

Tuesday, September 15, 2015

Yesterday we had 50 personal records set in the 5 rep max Back Squat!  Remember, the stronger you get in the strength portion of class, the faster and more efficient

Monday, September 14, 2015

Make sure you check out the PCF World Championship event details and signup to support your gym now! This is the 6th week of our 8 week cycle, which means

WEEK OF 9/13-9/19

    Monday –9/14 1) Snatch 80% 2X2 2) Clean and Jerk 80% 2×2 3) Snatch Pull 80% 3×3 4)Front Squat 80% 3×3 Tuesday – 9/15 1) Power Snatch 80% 2×2 2) Power Clean 70%

Sunday, September 13, 2015

The PCF World Championship vent details will be emailed out today!  Check it out and be sure to sign up to support your gym. One event that is already out is the

Saturday, September 12, 2015

Be sure to check your email tomorrow for the PCF World Championship Event details! Join us at the Beach at 10am for our free weekly community workout.  We meet where

Joshua Tree Rock Climbing/Camping Trip

It’s that time of the year again! This trip will be marking our EIGHT time camping and climbing in the amazing Joshua Tree National Park! If you haven’t heard – climbers

Friday, September 11, 2011

Twenty PCF members and friends will be heading into the desert to Joshua Tree to enjoy a weekend of rock climbing and camping.  This is something we organize twice a

Thursday, September 10, 2015

Handstand practice today!  Remember, this is one of our tests for the EIE Challenge and and event at the PCF World Championships.  If you want to improve your handstand you need to