Paradiso CrossFit WOD Blog

Thursday, February 11, 2016

Register for the CrossFit Open by Feb. 18th at 1pm to be drafted onto one of the Paradiso Teams! HERE is where you can register, it is important that you

Wednesday, February 10, 2016

Register for the CrossFit Open by Feb. 18th at 1pm to be drafted onto one of the Paradiso Teams! HERE is where you can register, it is important that you

Tuesday, February 9, 2016

Register for the CrossFit Open by Feb. 18th at 1pm to be drafted onto one of the Paradiso Teams! HERE is where you can register, it is important that you

Monday, February 8, 2016

Register for the CrossFit Open by Feb. 18th at 1pm to be drafted onto one of the Paradiso Teams! HERE is where you can register, it is important that you

Member Spotlight: Dutch Steutel & Mathcon

  Matt: How long have you been doing CrossFit/when did you get started at Paradiso? Dutch: I started Crossfit at the PCF Glencoe box, Spring 2010. Matt: What are your

Depth Jump and Rounded Back Deadlift Demo


WEEK OF 2/7-2/13

Monday –2/8 1) Snatch 92-95%x2, 85% 2×2, 88%x3 2) Snatch Deadlift+Pull off platform (% of Snatch)  105-115% 3×2+1 3) Jerk Grip Overhead Squat 3×5 40-60% (% of Jerk) 4) Behind The Neck Snatch

Sunday, February 7, 2016

Register for the CrossFit Open by Feb. 18th at 1pm to be drafted onto one of the Paradiso Teams! HERE is where you can register, it is important that you

Winter Shakedown Competition

Come out to support your coaches and fellow members on Saturday February 6th at Valley CrossFit for the 2016 Winter Shakedown! There will be 75 CrossFit teams consisting of FOUR athletes

Saturday, February 6, 2016

Register for the CrossFit Open by Feb. 18th at 1pm to be drafted onto one of the Paradiso Teams! HERE is where you can register, it is important that you