Paradiso CrossFit WOD Blog

Pendlay Row

Ideally the weight will start on the ground for each rep, but due to mobility issues, some people may need to raise the weight off the ground with pads or

Clean and Jerk

  Two of our three Olympic Lifting movements.  The Clean and Jerk together are a classic test of speed, balance, coordination, mobility, flexibility, agility and power!  Follow the link below

Dumbbell Snatch

The standards can vary on this movement, from starting touching the ground to only having to initiate the movement below the knee (as in the video above). This is a

Post Thanksgiving Saturday Morning Fun Run

3 Mile fun run along the bluffs overlooking the beach and Santa Monica Pier.  7:15am meeting at the Totem Pole on the corner of Ocean Avenue and Adelaide Drive, in Santa

Sunday Funday

Sunday, November 25, 2012 Mobility:Jog 400 metersAssisted bottom of squatShoulder distraction w/ bandSamson stretch Gymnastics warm-up:4 rounds or 15 minutes of:Handstand hold, 20 seconds10 False grip pull ups on rings


Saturday, November 24, 2012 Warmup/MobilityRow 500mKeg Drill 2 min10 PVC OH Squats10 GHD Situps10 GHD Hip Extensions10 barbell OH Squats  Barbell Gymnsatics20 min to establish 1 RM Snatch  Notes:  Ideally

Black Friday

Friday, November 22, 2012 Regular classes resume today with limited hours in the morning.  Make sure to check the schedule! Warmup/Mobility: Row 500m The Classic CrossFit Warm up: -2-3 Rounds

Don’t Do Nothing!

Thursday, November 22, 2012 OPEN GYM TODAY FROM 7:30-11:30 am…GOBBLE, GOBBLE! Mobility/Warm up:Olympic Wall Squat, 2 minutesShoulder Prep Build up to a Heavy  Complex of:  1 Snatch + 1 Overhead