Saturday Oct 11
Saturday, October 11, 2014 Beach WOD at 11:30 am at Venice! Prehab: Hip DROM 2-3 min Fire hydrants 2×15 reps Wall extensions 2×6-8 reps Ankle/Calf stretching 1′ Warm up: “Sally
Work Towards Achieving Symmetry
Saturday, October 4, 2014 Beach WOD at 11:30 am at Venice! Prehab: Posterior Chain Flossing x30-45″ Monster walks 2×20″ Good Mornings with PVC/Bar 2×12 SuperRack Stretch x45″ Warm up with
EIE Mobility Goals
Saturday, September 27 Beach WOD at 11:30 am at Venice! Prehab: Bird Dogs x15 Fire Hydrants x15 Side Plank (With side kick if possible) x45″ Arm Circles (20″ small,
Saturday, September 20, 2014
Beach WOD at 11:30 am at Venice! Prehab: Keg Drill 2-3 min Foam Roll Quads/ITB x 1-2 min Fire Hydrants 2×15 Wall extensions 2×10 Warm up: TABATA Row for cal
Ashley Short
Saturday, September 13 Beach WOD at 11:30 am! (I promise!) Prehab: Monster walks 2×20″ Bird Dogs with band 2×10 Fire Hydrants 2×15 Keg Drill 2-3 min Warm up: Run 600m
Shakedown Saturday
Saturday, September 6, 2014 Check the schedule! Venice will be closed today because most of your coaches are competing at the Shakedown. Don’t forget about the Sole Bike Sale at
The Wedge
Saturday, August 30 Beach WOD at 11:30 am! Prehab: Foam Roll T-spine x2min Banded squats x15 Side Planks with Side Kicks 2×15 Warm up: Run 400m -then 2 rds of-
Saturday August 23
Saturday, August 23 Beach WOD at 11:30 am! Prehab: Scap push ups x10 Scap Circles x10 T-band External rotations x15 Foam Roll Glutes/ITB x2-3′ Warm up: 2 Min Jump Rope
Proper KB Swing Technique
Saturday, August 16, 2014 Beach WOD and Intro to Advanced Programming at 11:30 am. VBC will be cancelled for the day. Be sure to register in advance! Prehab: Side Planks
How To Prevent and Recover From Shin Splints
Saturday, August 9, 2014 Beach WOD- 11:30 am! Prehab: Hip Circles x10 clockwise/counter clockwise Fire Hydrants x15 Side Plank with side kicks x15 Downward Dog 5×10 seconds Warm up: 400m