Monday, January 2, 2012 This is your last week to get your friends and family to sign up for On Ramp! Also, be sure to check the Schedule changes HERE!
Winter Shakedown Team Registration
February 18th, 2012 CrossFit FAST will host the Winter Shakedown. 44 teams from across So-Cal will compete for the coveted Shakedown trophy and over $3,000 in prizes. Registration will open
Happy New Year!
Sunday, January 1, 2012 No classes today! See you all next year! Who’s psyched for 2012?!!! *** There will be no 6 am class on Monday, but otherwise we will
The day before New Years
Saturday, December 31, 2011 Jog 400 metersDROM Mobility:Test the bottom of your front squat rack positionPidgeon on box for 2 minutes, per legEven more tricep mashing, 1 to 2 minutes
Easy Up
Friday, December 30, 2011 Mobility: Triceps Mash, 2 minutes each arm 15 Wall Extensions Warmup: Row 100 meters 10 False Grip Ring Rows Row 200 meters 15 Strict Press with
Ghosts of Christmas Present
Thursday, December 29, 2011 DROM and Shoulder Prep as needed Mobility:2 min Pidgeon per leg2 min Shoulder mobility with bar and roller2 min Squat, lying down, feet on wall Practice
Two Events
Wednesday, December 28, 2011 Mobility:Tricep Mash or Rack Mobility with a band, accumulate 2 minutes on each arm Warmup:2 Rounds for Quality of:Row 250 meters5 Bridge Wall Walks30 Second Sampson
Christmas redux
Tuesday, December 27, 2011 “Twelve Days of Christmas” 1 Burpee 2 Handstand Push-ups 3 Ring dips 4 Box jumps (24/20) 5 Thrusters (95/65) 6 Kettlebell swings (2 pood/1.5 pood) 7
Big Time
Monday, December 26, 2011 Mobility: Hip Mobility with Band, 2 minutes each leg Warmup: With ascending loads for the Back Squats 10 Back Squats 15 GHD Situps 8 Back Squats
Ho Ho Ho!
Sunday, December 25, 2011 Wishing you all a Merry Christmas! Best Christmas movie. Ever. Regular schedule tomorrow!