The day before New Years

Saturday, December 31, 2011

Jog 400 meters

Test the bottom of your front squat rack position
Pidgeon on box for 2 minutes, per leg
Even more tricep mashing, 1 to 2 minutes per arm

Practice and load up on Front squats

Front Squat 2 – 2 – 2 – 2 – 2 – 2

Followed by a surprise 2 person Team WOD!  (Hint:  Pull-ups)


Jordan, displaying a sufficient rack position.

Most people are strong enough in the legs to get out of the bottom of a heavy front squat.  More often than not, when they fail, their elbows drop and the load crashes forward.

  This is because the postural muscles of the upper back (along with tricep and shoulder flexibility) are responsible for producing a solid rack position.  It has been said that if you can front squat and deadlift heavy, you actually do not need to perform heavy barbell rows.


Aside from this, the year of 2011 at PCF has been amazing.  Thank you to everyone who joined us and decided to stay with us through our growth as a gym.  We’re not perfect and we know it.  But you stuck with us, you took chances with us, trusted us with your fitness and your body and health, and over time helped define us as a CrossFit box, unique already in the fitness world.  It is our every intention to keep making this place, our training and coaching, our activities, our accessibility, our methods and classes, better and better and better with each passing day.  Before I became a CrossFit trainer I was told that my sheer love of this stuff would be enough to carry a gym’s growth for two years, if that, then it wouldn’t be enough anymore, and I would have to knuckle down and start looking at the numbers.  Well, it’s been 2 years and 3 months and impossible as it seems, I love CrossFit even more now than I did back then.  I love workouts more, I love training you guys more, I love my private clients more.  I love my PRs more, I love Back Squats more.  I was asked once what I would do when I became 60, and answered with, coaches are coaches for decades, and I just watched one of our ladies get her first ever kipping pull ups, watched some guys get their first ever muscle ups, and I could literally do that for the rest of my life.  I used to read and study and watch CF articles and videos for on average 4 to 6 hours per day, every day, from 2007 to 2009.

  Has that changed now?  Fuck no.  2 to 4 hours on average still (and it’s only 2 to 4 hours cuz I’m spending a lot of time with y’all.)  Love it even more.  Yes I’ve been forced to look at the bottom line and the numbers, but whenever I do I bedrock know in my heart that it’s all meaningless without my chest wanting to burst for training.     

So it is my honor to say thank you to any and all of you who helped make PCF what it is, and we cannot wait to see what kind of bedlam will transpire in 2012.  Please be safe and have fun tonight.

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