Ready, set….
Tuesday, February, 21, 2012 Mobility:Bottom of squat, 4 minutesKeg drill, 2 minutes Warm-up:Jog 200 meters10 Double unders10 Wall extensions10 Double unders10 Wall squats10 Double unders10 Light Kettlebell swingsJog 200 meters
Monday, February 20, 2012 Register for the CrossFit Games Open HERE! More details below! Mobility: Hip Prep Keg Drill, 2 minutes Warmup: Jog 400 meters 10 Front Squats (95/65) 15
Winter Shakedown
The Shakedown Team Competition Series Consists of 2 events, the Winter and Summer Shakedowns. The Shakedown Series is hosted by CrossFit FAST of Westlake Village and programming is done by
Finding it in Others, Part Two
Saturday, February 18th, 2012 Mobility: DROM Shoulder Prep Warm up: Burgener Warm up 10 Bar taps 10 Split cleans with light dumbbells 10 Strict Pull ups 20 Walking Lunges “Erin”
Friday, February 17, 2012 Check out our 38 registered athletes for the CrossFit Games Sectionals HERE! Join the party HERE! Mobility: Keg Drill, 2 minutes Ankle Mobility, 1 minute each
Breakdown for the Shakedown!
Thursday, February 16th, 2012 Warm up:Jog 800 metersDROM10 Wall Squats Mobility:Shoulder Prep Three ‘build up’ sprints from the gate to the street.Practice Muscle ups or transitions Five rounds for time
Cluster Bomb
Wednesday, February 15, 2012 Holy Cow! 31 people now registered for the Open Sectionals! Hop on the bandwagon here! Mobility:10 Wall ExtensionsRack Mobility with a Band, 90 seconds each side10
Feel the love.
Tuesday, February 14, 2012 Mobility:Hip mobility on box, 2 minutesAnkle mobility with band, 1 minute Warm-up:10 Squats10 Deadlifts (light load)Skip rope 200 meters10 Hip extensions10 Deadlifts10 Back extensionsSkip rope 200
Oh, the Burn
Monday, February 13, 2012 Have you registered for Sectionals yet!? Check out Lara, Alex B and Cara, among other CrossFitters, talk about why they are looking forward to the challenge
Sno-Rep Mammoth Trip
Don’t think, just go! The deadline for the discounted rates ends on the 27th! The following information can also be found on a Facebook invite from our good friend Billy