CrossFit Games Regional Qualifiers

We made it through the first phase of qualifications!  Paradiso CrossFit will be representing in the SoCal Regionals!  Get your tickets HERE!! With the conclusion of the first phase of

Go Time!!

Friday, May 11, 2o12 The end of our 30 Day Nutrition Challenge and the first day of Regionals!!  All class times will be operating as Open Gym today and we

One Last Day!

Thursday, May 10, 2012 We will be closed on Saturday and Sunday in honor of Regionals!  Friday classes are the same, but will all be Open Gym. General Warm up:Row

48 Hours left!

Wednesday, May 9, 2012 Remember, classes will be cancelled this weekend!  Get your tickets to Regionals HERE! Mobility:15 Wall SquatsTricep Mash, 90 seconds each15 Wall Extensions Warmup:Junkyard Dog Skill/ Strength:12

Gettin real with 3 days to go!

Tuesday, May 8, 2012 Mobility:10 PVC dislocatesPVC rack stretch on box, 1 minute10 PVC dislocates Warm-up:Spend 15 minutes on Burgener skill transfer exercises Start with PVC and build up performing 3-5

OMG, 4 days left!

Monday, May 7, 2012 We will be closed this weekend for the Regional Competition!  Get your Tickets HERE!! Mobility: Row 250 meters 10 Wall Extensions Leg Swings from DROM 10

Cast Iron Cook Off

1st Annual Paradiso Crossfit Cast Iron Cook Off “13.5 inches of Pure Awesomness” Saturday, May 5, 2012 1PM-7PMParadiso Crossfit Gym, 4113 Redwood Ave. MDR Voting Ballots close promptly at 5PM.

Another One Bites the Dust, and 6 Days to go!

Saturday, May 5, 2012 Our First Ever Cast Iron Cook Off Today!  Food, Drink, Massage, Competition, Good Times!! Warm up:Row 500 meters Mobility:DROMTriceps mash, 2 minutesPidgeon 2 minutes Movement prep:Review


Friday, May 4, 2012 Cast Iron Cook Off tomorrow!  Food, Drink, Massage, Competition, Good Times!! Mobility:Row 500 meters, for formHip Mobility with Band, 2 minutes each Classic Warmup:Take 15 minutes

The Darkness with the Light, and 8 days to go!

Thursday, May 3, 2012 Mobility:Banded Shoulder distraction, 1 minute per armBottom of squat for 2 minutes Warm up:Jog 4005 – 7 – 10 reps of the WOD movements, any order