To the max.
Tuesday, June 12, 2012 Mobility:Row 300 metersHip mobility with band, 1 minute eachSamson stretch, 30 seconds each10 Wall extensions Barbell warm-up:Back sqaut: 8-5-5-3-3, rest no more than 2 minutes between
Testing, testing….
Monday, June 11, 2012 Track night is meeting HERE at 6:30 tonight!! Get ready to hit the hills! Mobility:Jog 400, Row 500 or jump ropeDROMSamson stretch Warm-up:25 Hip-back extensions25 GHD
Summer’s Bounty
Sunday, June 10, 2012 Mobility:Row 500 metersAnkle mobility, 60 seconds eachKeg drill, 2 minutes Warm-up:20 minutes to establish a 1 RM Squat Snatch Workout:As many rounds as possible in 8
Moomat Ahiko
Saturday, June 9, 2012 Mobility:Jog 400 metersDROM10 PVC Pipe dislocates20 Wall Squats Gymnastic Warm up:In 15 minutes perform 3 to 5 rounds of the following (advanced movements in parentheses)10 second
Jimmy’s turn….
Friday, June 8, 2012 Mobility:Row 250 meters25 Hip-Back Extensions25 GHD Sit-upsHip/Shoulder prep as needed. Workout:“Crossfit Total”1 Rep Back Squat1 Rep Shoulder Press1 Rep Deadlift Notes: Take 3 attempts on each
Interview Time!
Thursday, June 7, 2012 Mobility:10 PVC Dislocates1 minute Keg Drill1 minute per arm, Rack Mobility of choice Warm up:15 minutes to find a 1 Rep Max Power Clean and Push
Fun with Film!
Wednesday, June 6, 2012 Mobility: Jog 800 meters 10 Wall Extensions 10 Dislocates German Hang, accumulate 30 seconds Gymnastics Warmup: 15 minutes to perform 3-5 rounds of the following: 3
The long and short of it.
Tuesday, June 5, 2012 Mobility:Row 500 metersHip mobility, 1 minute eachKeg drill, 2 minutes Warm-up:Take 15 minutes to work up to your 1 RM Squat clean and jerk (splitting is
Write it down!
Monday, June 4, 2012 Check out our first Endurance Training post today! Mobility: Wrist mobility, 60 seconds Rack mobility of choice, 60 seconds each Keg Drill, 2 minutes Warmup: Take
Holy Front Squats!
Saturday, June 2nd, 2012 Mobility:Wrist mobility 30 secondsRack mobility of choice, 1 minute per armHip mobility with band, 1 minute per leg Warm up:Take 15 minutes to find your 3