Sunday Pancakes!
Sunday, January, 20, 2012 Mobility: 10 PVC dislocates10 Overhead Squats, pause at bottomSuper rack w/bandGroiner w/ bandAnkle mobility w/ band Group Warm-up: To be performed with bar or PVC:5 reps
The Wheel Analogy
Friday, January 18, 2013 Mobility/Warm up Row 500m / Jog 400mDROMOverhead Band Distraction Posterior Chain FlossGroiners Classic Programming: Strength: Every 30 seconds for 5:00 (22 total reps) – 2 moderate/heavy Deadlifts
Goals, Take Two
Thursday, January 17, 2013 Mobility/Warm up Row 500 metersDROMShoulder Distraction with band Group Warm up Review Gymnastic movements Gymnastic Warm up 15 minutes or 5 rounds for quality of20 Double
Save the date!
Tuesday, January 15, 2012 Mobility/Warm-up: Jog 400 meters 10 Wall Squat Posterior flossing w/ band Super rack w/ band Lat activations 5 Pause Front squats w/ bar 5 Thrusters w/
Don’t Stop
Monday, January 14, 2013 Click HERE for the Weekly Programming! Track Night at Santa Monica HIGH School this week (not College). Mobility Keg DrillAnkle MobilityGristle and GroinersOverhead Band DistractionSuper
6 Mile Saturday Run Club – Temescal Rivas Canyon Trail Run/Hike
Trail Info: 6 mile Trail Run/Hike from Temescal to Will Rogers (Inspiration Point) and back! Did this trail run 3 weeks ago and loved it so we are going back!
Avocado Bacon Cups
Sunday, January 13, 2012 Warm-up: 30 seconds on, 30 seconds off for 5 minutes of: Running in place while skipping rope Group Mobility: Shoulder prep Gymnastics Strength: 5-4-3-2-1-2-3-4-5 reps of
Friday, January 11, 2013 Mobility: Super Rack Stretch with BandOverhead Band DistractionKeg DrillAssisted Bottom of the SquatOver and Under Fence Group Warmup: With empty barbell:5 x 1 1/4 Front Squat5
The Bridge
Thursday, January 10, 2013 REMINDER! MDR Gym, no parking in the parking lot from 3:30pm on. The owner has rented the entire space. Park on the street, walk, jog, or
A healthy debate.
Tuesday, January 8, 2012 Just a friendly reminder to register for classes online! Mobility: DROM, include wrists and anklesPosterior chain flossingT-spine smash Group warm-up: Junkyard Dog! Classic Conditioning: 3 rounds