Midnight Marathon

Kevin, Lara and I decided to run our own 26.2 mile path at sunset. We began in Pacific Palisades and finished in Palos Verdes area. This is our story.

Classic Crossfit Moves | Squat Clean Technique

Description This is a classic CrossFit movement…lots of work done quickly. This movement is a compromise between a front squat and a press position. The best thrusters utilize the legs

New Crossfit Moves | Low Bar Back Squat Technique

Description 5 sets of 3 repetitions, go heavy! Focus on the bar positioning before you load up though

Rest day?

12-9-6-3 reps for time: Chest to bar pull ups Front squat (135/95#) Handstand push ups Post time to comments.   The end of the week marks the conclusion of our

Classic Crossfit Moves | Thrusters Technique

Description This is a classic CrossFit movement…lots of work done quickly. This movement is a compromise between a front squat and a press position. The best thrusters utilize the legs

Battle of the Boxes!!

The Gym is Closed Tomorrow! We have 3 teams (2 guys/ 2 girls) participating in the Battle of the Boxes at CrossFit Ventura! Athlete Check in is from 8-8:30am and

No 10am Class Tomorrow!

The spot Last minute, but we’re going climbing tomorrow at Point Dume! We will be leaving the gym at 10am, you can also drive up and meet us there if

Potlucks Galore!

We are hosting CrossFit Ventura this Saturday for our first home base Box Jump! This will be an all level team workout at 10am, followed by a potluck BBQ and