Getting to know you
Saturday, January 26, 2013 Mobility: Run 400m/ Row 500mAssisted bottom of the SquatAnkle mobility with a bandOverhead shoulder distraction with a bandKeg Drill Group Warmup: With a Barbell perform:10 Overhead
Legendary Competitor Battle of the boxes
Legendary Competitor is hosting a competition at the LA convention centre on January 19 and January 20. On Saturday the 19th its an individual event ($80) and on the 20th
A little OC Recap! (Sorry it’s so Long)
Saturday, January 19 Mobility 50 Double unders or 25 attemptsSuper rack stretch with a bandHip extension with a bandAssisted squat with a bandAnkle Mobility with a band Group
OC Throwdown
Lara has qualified for the OC Throwdown. The Competition will be on January 12th and 13th. A crowd is always greatly appreciated and the event is extremely fun to watch.
Beast Mode
Saturday, January 12, 2012 Mobility: Hip extension with a bandOlympic wall SquatPosterior chain flossing Group warmup 400m run15 burpees15 air squatsReview and practice all movements Conditioning: “Filthy Fifty”
Getting Nervous… OC Throwdown in almost here
Saturday 1/05/2013 Mobility: Row 500m/ run 400mPosterior chain flossing10 Wall ExtentionsT-Spine Smash10 Lat Activations Classic Gymnastics Strength: 5 sets of 5 “Negative” Pullups, rest 90 seconds between sets
Family Matters
Saturday, December 29, 2012 Mobility: 500 meter RowPosterior Chain Flossing with BandAssisted bottom of the squatOverhead Band DistractionT-spine Smash Group Warmup: with an empty barbell5 Overhead Squat5 High Hang
Chill Out!
Saturday, December 22, 2012 Warmup/Mobility: Row 500mOlympic Squat on the WallT-Spine SmashSuper Rack Stretch with BandHip extension with a band Strength: Front Squats 1) Every 45 sec for 3
What does your Christmas look like?
Saturday, December 15, 2012 Solo Warmup: Row 500mHip extension with a bandAssisted squat with a bandTricep mashpractice handstand pushups Group Warmup: Abridged version of hip prep Strength,
Weekend Beach WOD!!!!
Meet the PCF family for a partner beach wod saturday 12/8 and sunday 12/9! Meet South side of Venice Pier! The WODs will be announced at the beach, so come