5/30 MONDAY Back Squat 85% 5×5 Back Squat Dip 125-145% 3×3 Back Squat Pause at Bottom (5 Seconds)80% 3×2 Power Clean from Block 3×3 75% (SPEED) Seated Good Morning 3×10
5/23 MONDAY Back Squat 80% 5×5 Back Squat Dip 120-140% 3×3 Back Squat Pause at Bottom (3 Seconds)80% 3×2 Power Snatch from Block 3×3 75% (SPEED) Seated Good Morning 3×10 5/24 TUESDAY
5/16 MONDAY Back Squat 75% 4×7, Bodyweight A.M.R.A.P. (ADD 10LBS. FROM LAST WEEK.) Back Squat 3 sec. Pause at Bottom 50-60% 3×3 Hang Power Clean from Knee 75% 3X3 Hyperextension
5/9 MONDAY Back Squat 70% 4×10, Bodyweight A.M.R.A.P. Back Squat 3 sec. Pause at Bottom 50-60% 3×3 Power Clean from Knee 75% 3X5 Hyperextension 3×10-15 with weight 5/10 TUESDAY
Monday –4/25 1) Power Snatch Max, 90% 2×1, 80%X2 (add weight from last week) 2) Power Clean and Jerk Max, 90% 2×1, 80%X2(add weight from last week) 3) Front Squat Max, 85%x2(add
What an awesome time the members meet was! Congrats to all our lifters! Thanks to all who helped!! Monday –4/4 1) Clean +Front Squat+Jerk 80% 5×2+2+2 2) Clean Pull off platform 80% 3×3 3) Clean
Those competing in the Members Meet on Friday at 7pm should switch Thursday to Friday’s programming. We are treating the meet like a normal training. Monday –3/28 1) Clean Grip Snatch 4×2 65-80%