Knees to Elbows/Toes to Bar

Just like they sound! Both movements require a strong core and can be done strict or kipping. Performing the movement strict is more of a strength movement while kipping is

Kipping Pull up

The infamous kipping pull up! The kip or swing allows you to generate momentum that will help you to perform more pullups over a shorter period of time. The movement

All Growns Up

30 Muscle-ups for time Brandon Pastorek 4:20. Post time to comments. If you cannot do the muscle-ups do 120 pull-ups and 120 dips. Do you know the Shoulder Prep? Check

Almond Flour Crust Quiche

Sun-dried tomatoes, mushrooms, chives, shallots. delicious! Ingredients – serves 8(taken & crust slightly modified from Crust– 1 Cup almond flour– 1 tbsp butter– 1 egg– 1/4 tsp baking soda–

Squat Clean

An olympic lift, requiring great speed, coordination, power, agility, balance, and strength! Remember to jump up hard and pull your body under the bar as fast as possible!  

Back Squats and Handstand Walking

5 Rounds for time of: 20 Back Squats 20 yard Handstand walk

MOVEMENT DEMOS | Shoulder Press

We do a lot of total body movement in CrossFit because it produces a lot of power. The shoulder press is strictly the arms, so we cannot move as much

10×100 meters

Ten repeats at 100 meters 90 seconds rest between runs We used a 50 meter turnaround. Fun stuff!

Heavy Metcon

12min AMRAP of: Bench Press, 3 reps (185/135) Back Squat, 5 reps (225/155)