No Worries
Part A. Three rounds for time of: 30 Push-ups, release hands from floor at the bottom 12′ Wall climb 21 Overhead squats 12′ Wall climb Seven minute time cap. Score
Seven rounds for time of: 205 lb Clean, 3 reps 4 Ring handstand push ups Graham Holmberg 4:26, Chris Spealler 4:27, Kristan Clever 3:37 (HSPU). Post time to comments. The
Complete as many rounds as possible in seven minutes of: 7 Deadlifts 20 meter Sprint 14 One legged squats 21 Double-unders 20 meter Sprint Rich Froning Jr. 5 rounds +
And the Winner Is…
For time: Run 1200 meters 63 Kettlebell swings (55/ 35) 36 Pull-ups Run 800 meters 42 Kettlebell swings 24 Pull-ups Run 400 meters 21 Kettlebell swings 12 Pull-ups Graham Holmberg
Game Time
Deadlift 1-10-1-20-1-30 reps Post total load (add up all six barbell loads) to comments. The Games are finally upon us! We have been making plans last minute, but we do
I want more
For 20 minutes: Run 400 meters Rest precisely the time of the previous run. Post distance to comments. For those that choose to perform this WOD at their favorite running
The Blur
Choose one gymnastic skill and, after a thorough warm up that includes shoulder prep, practice it for at least 30 minutes. Take your time and focus on technique and efficiency.
On the Front Lines
“Joshie” Complete three rounds for time of: 21 Dumbbell snatches, right arm 21 L Pull-ups 21 Dumbbell snatches, left arm 21 L Pull-ups Post time to comments. These are squat
Watchin the Cup
Five rounds for time of: 15 Thrusters (135/ 95) Run 400 meters Post time to comments.
Ass Blaster
Walking lunge 100 ft. 21 Pull-ups 21 Sit-ups Walking lunge 100 ft. 18 Pull-ups 18 Sit-ups Walking lunge 100 ft. 15 Pull-ups 15 Sit-ups Walking lunge 100 ft. 12 Pull-ups