Hip Prep
Below are links to the individual parts of Hip Prep. These can be used together as a series or individually as needed. Be sure to Test and Retest with some
Cheers to Jack!
Every minute on the minute for 30 minutes, perform the following: 1 Squat Snatch 20 Double Unders The load is up to the athlete. If you fail to complete the
Finding the Passion
Three rounds for time of: 12 Muscle-ups 75 Squats Kristan Clever 8:48, Kevin Montoya 9:29 I am a huge advocate in training for something, anything, other than how you look.
The Sword
Three rounds for time of: Run 800 meters Rest 2 minutes The Paradiso CrossFit logo represents the ability to perform well across a broad range of modalities. If you
Weighted Pull-ups
Watch the video above for an explanation and breakdown of the many different ways to add weight to your body. This movement is typically performed as a supplemental strengthening movement
Rope Climbs
The above video will go through a variety of techniques and scaling options. Be sure to watch and read the safety tips below! Safety Tips: Beware and avoid rope