Hang Clean

Click HERE for a demo with explanation or review our entire Clean learning progression HERE. Unless specified, this movement can be performed from position 1, position 2 or anywhere in between.
Scaling Suggestion:
Use Dumbbells if you do not have a quality front squat or rack position
Mobility Suggestions:
Lots of Mobility needed for this movement! You don’t have to do everything, just be sure to test and retest to make sure that what you are working on is improving your position!
Hamstrings: Flossing, Smash with a Lacrosse Ball
Hip Work: Gristle, Groiners (Banded variation), Pigeon (Box variation), Hip Prep, Hip Extension with band, External Rotation of the Hip with Capsule Work
Rack Position: Foam Roll Lats, Tricep Mash, T-spine Smash, Keg Drill, Super Rack,Overhead Band Distraction with External Rotation, PVC Rack stretch on box