So easy a caveman can do it!! (24 days…)
Tuesday, April 16,2012
Jog 400 meters
Ankle mobility with band, 1 minute
1 minute fast singles (run in place)
Row 400 meters
Quad on wall, 1 minute
10 Bounding box jumps, scale height accordingly
15 GHD sit-ups
15 Hip extensions
1 minute Double unders
Samson stretch, 30 seconds
For time:
Row 1K
200 Double-unders
Run 1K
100 Box jumps, 20 inches
Cool down:
2 rounds: (Gymnastic warm-up)
3 Kipping pull ups
5 Strict pull ups
Tuck L-hang, 10 seconds
10 Kettlebell swings
Homemade jerky!
For those of you on the pemmican train, you might be frustrated at the fact that our current supplier, the ONLY supplier, continues to run out of stock and are inconsistent with the recipe. For those of you that don’t know, Diso and I are taking matters into our own hands and for months have been experimenting making our own.
We have big plans. Until we get our recipe and method just right, I wanted to share with you the simplest and cheapest way I’ve found to make jerky. The first ingredient in pemmican is beef jerky and thus far I’ve only used grassfed beef with a little kosher salt. Try different meat like turkey and throw in some flavor with your favorite marinade or rub and you’ll have meaty convenience anytime!
What you’ll need:
1 cardboard box (12x12x12)
PVC cut into 2 14 inch pieces
Wood skewers, 12 inches in length
Lamp with 75-100w bulb
Meat, I used London broil. It’s relatively inexpensive and lean.
Set up:
Insert the PVC through the box (see photo) leaving about an inch from the top and sides. Be sure not to seal the box, just prop it up so it stands as tall as it can, the floor will be exposed. You’ll need to cut a couple flaps at the bottom so the lamp can rest on the floor and allow for air to circulate.
Ready for meat!
Cut your meat of choice into thin strips about ½ inch thick. It’s easier to cut if the meat is slightly frozen….huge time saver:) At this point, you can marinate or season as you like. Next you’ll skewer your strips, I was able to get 8-10 pieces on one skewer. Lay them across the PVC and you’re good to go!
I sealed the top of the box with a piece of packing tape (loosely) to allow for air circulation. You can also seal it completely and cut a small hole in the top.
Set it and forget it!
My batch took about 48 hours in the garage. I also require a really dry jerky for making pemmican so the time might be a little less. Store in plastic wrap and keep in a cool dark place. Enjoy!