Oh, the Burn
Monday, February 13, 2012
Have you registered for Sectionals yet!? Check out Lara, Alex B and Cara, among other CrossFitters, talk about why they are looking forward to the challenge wmv/mov.
Keg Drill, 2 minutes
Groiners, 2 minutes each leg
2 Rounds for Quality:
10 Good Mornings (65/45)
12 Walking Lunges
10 Ring Rows
Back Squat 2-2-2-2
Workout of the Day:
For time:
50 Jumping Squats with barbell (video below)
Row 500 Meters
50 Jumping Squats with barbell
Cool Down:
Hold Pancake Split for 5 minutes
Hold Pike stretch for 3 minutes
Hold Middle Split for 2 minutes
What a great weekend in Mammoth! The mountain offers up such a great test of stamina and recovery (especially with the altitude!). Today’s workout was made in honor of what my quads felt like while bombing down the mountain for two days. Funny how quickly I forget the physical capacities required to perform these sports at a high level.
I am like a goldfish. No matter how many times I do these things…
I am surprised at how tiring it is to paddle out on a surfboard, I’m in shock of how fast my forearms fail when climbing and in awe at the speed in which my quads scream for mercy when confronted with a string of moguls!
This is what we are training for though, dammit! While I may be surprised, I am constantly referencing my training. I am always thinking about how many squats I have performed and how many pullups I have endured. I am reminded of my bodies’ capabilities and limitations. Much to my dismay, I would have to take short breaks to let my legs recover before moving through certain portions of the hill. The unrelenting and unmerciful force of gravity would be there to punish me whenever I would push myself too far. My legs would go wobbly and I would lose control, causing a moment of panic and frustration. In the end, all I wanted was more! I want to train more and have more opportunities to test myself. This is what keeps me motivated. I can’t say it enough…Get out there, test your fitness and have some fun!