Wednesday, July 13, 2016
The second half of our new cycle begins! We will be changing up the order for the Strength/Sprint work and adding in some new equipment like axle bars.
Stretch Calves
Stretch Achiles
Foam Roll Quads
Stretch Hamstrings
Run 400m or Row 350m
2 rounds:
10 Russian Baby Makers
25 Banded Good Mornings
8 Ring Rows
10 Min EMOM:
Even: In these five sets build to a 3RM deadlift start at 75-85%
Odd: ME set of strict Chin Ups
Notes: In five rounds alternate between the two movements, use bands as necessary on Chin ups, Rx and Rx+ athletes (or athletes that can do more than 10 chin ups each round) do chin up chest to bar. Record TOTAL chin ups.
25 Double Unders
ME Unbroken Thrusters
*Time is when you get to 100 Thrusters, Any break in movement completes the round.
Notes: 25 minute time cap. Scale! Don’t be a hero.
L1: Push-ups, triple the single unders, 15/10
L2: Piked or Abmat hspu’s, 45/35
Rx: 95/65
Mash Quads with Barbell
Stretch Shoulders
Arch hold 3x30s