Friday, February 26, 2016


If you want some fun, adventure and free SFH samples, join us tonight for Friday Night Lights at MDR to Open orkout 16.1! You can sign up for a heat time HERE 🙂

Screen Shot 2016-02-26 at 4.09.19 PM20 minute AMRAP?! It’s hard to get up…


Stretch wrists and forearms
Foam Roll Quads and IT band
Banded hip flexor stretch


Run, Row, Jump or Bike 2min
:30 straight leg wind mills
:30 Hold push-up plank
:30 Calf Stretch
:30 Tricep stretch each arm
:30 Burpees


Open Workout 16.1

20 Minute AMRAP
25 ft. Overhead Walking Lunge
8 Chest to Bar Pull Ups
24 ft. Overhead Walking Lunge
8 Burpees over the bar

Notes: Ideally 2 heats and everyone has a ‘judge’ to count reps.
Remember, 20 minutes is a “marathon” in CrossFit. One approach would be to start out at 75% effort and build intensity, as opposed to ‘blowing your WOD’ in the first 5 minutes.

Scaled Option (L1):
25ft Front Rack Walking Lunge (45#/35#)
8 bar facing burpees
25 Front Rack Walking Lunge
8 Jumping Pull-Ups

(L2)- ask your coach about different modifications to match your skill level

Cool Down

walk 100m
Couch stretch 1min each leg
Foam Roll Lats

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