Friday, December 4, 2015

Watch your fellow member Jeremy Fabregascompete in the American Open (a HUGE weightlifting competition) at 8:30am in the “J” session HERE, Ariel Sandoval lifts TOMORROW Saturday December 5 on the USAW live stream.

Join us for a Holiday Beach Party & Low Country Boil at Mother’s Beach on Saturday December 12th at 130pm. We will be cooking shrimp, sausage, potatoes, and corn! CLICK HERE for more details.

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Watch J-Fab slam bars HERE


Super rack stretch
Shoulder Ext. Rotation
Wrist Stretches


Complete 4 rounds
:20 on/ :10 rest and rotate
1. Ring Rows
2. Kipping Swings
3. Jumping Air squats
4. Plank


5 sets of
Hang High Pull + Hang Squat Snatch + Overhead Squat

Notes: Take 20 minutes to build to a heavy complex over the 5 sets. The goal is to get a couple warm up sets to get the movement pattern down then build over 5 sets to a heavy load without failing. This doesn’t mean a maximal load or a heavy percentage of any of the moves, just a heavy complex for the day.


3 Power Snatches (95/65)
6 Toes to Bar
9 Box Jump Over (24/20”)

Notes: The RX+ is 135/95 and they are from the ground. Scale the TTB with knees up keeping the kipping rhythm or V-Ups.

Cool Down

10 PVC dislocates
15 weighted reverse snow angels
10 Scorpion stretches (5 each side)

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