Friday, November 27, 2015

Bring a Friend & Family Today thru Friday and check our updated schedule on wodify!

Screen Shot 2015-11-23 at 7.42.20 PMIf you still have friends & family in town bring them out to beach WOD tomorrow at 10am in Venice where Rose meets the beach!


Super rack stretch
Shoulder Ext. Rotation
Wrist Stretches
Ankle Mobility


Find a partner
Alternate Rowing 250m until you hit 1,000m
Alternate Pushups until you hit 20
Alternate Air Squats until you hit 30


Teams of 3 for time
6 x 200m Run
6 x 250m Row

Notes: One person does the run, while the other two rest then rotate. Each individual will end up running 2 x 200m and rowing 2 x 250m.


1: 10 Ring or Parallette Pushups
2: 20 Russian Swings
3: 45 sec Handstand Hold

Notes: RX+ is Ring Push ups and 70/53 for the KBS. RX is Parallette Pushups and 24/16 KB. For newer athletes hold your handstand for as long as you can during the 45 sec of that minute and adjust the angle of your body to be able to hold for longer, even hold plank for duration if that is challenging. Your score is rounds completed. If you complete all 12 rounds, your score is 12

Cool Down

90 second plank
45 second side plank, each side
Wrist Stretches
Foam Roll Legs

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