Thursday, September 17, 2015

Learn how to move your body better with coach Chelsea McKinney for a 4 day Freestyle Connection workshop at Paradiso CrossFit Venice September 21-24 from 1:30-3:30. For more info, and to register, CLICK HERE.

Join Coach Josh Squyres on Saturday, October 10th from 11-3pm for this unique Olympic Lifting seminar. He has trained under some of the best coaches in the world.

Learn about and compare the different styles from when he lived in Bulgaria to training under the South Korean head coach to most recently training in China.

Click HERE to reserve your spot now or email us at with any questions you may have.



Ankle Mobility 1 min ea. side
Low bear crawl 100′
Super Rack Stretch :60 each side
Accumulate 1 minute in plank


2 minutes double under practice

3 Rounds:
5 Ring Rows
10 Pushups
15 Air Squats

1 minute double under practice


3-4 Rounds for quality:
Snow Angels x 15 reps
L Sit x :20, accumulate
Side Plank Leg Raise x 15 reps

Notes: Rest as needed and focus on perfect form, not how fast or how many rounds!


20 min EMOM
Even min: 5 Deadlifts
Odd min: 10 Wall Balls

Notes: The RX weight is 225/155 for the deadlifts and 20/14 for the WallBalls

Cool Down

25 GHD Situps or 50 Abmat Situps
Couch Stretch :60 each side

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