Tuesday, September 15, 2015

Yesterday we had 50 personal records set in the 5 rep max Back Squat!  Remember, the stronger you get in the strength portion of class, the faster and more efficient you will become at the lighter rep work in the conditioning portion of class.  You know that if you can squat over a hundred pounds for multiple reps, how easy is that goblet squat going to be in the EIE chipper?!  Keep training hard and signup for the PCF World Championships HERE!

Check out our new video of the week below!

 We will be releasing a new video weekly covering the foundational movements.


2 Rounds:
PVC Dislocates x10
Theraband External Rotation x 15
Cat Cow Stretch x 5, slow
Sampson Stretch x :30

Partner Warmup

Row 1 minute while the other holds plank on elbows, then switch
Jog 100 meters while the other hangs on the pull-up bar, then switch
Burpee broad jump 100′ while the other holds hollow position, then switch

Warmup pullups!


Strict Pull Ups 5×5, rest 60 sec
Ring Rows – 3×10, rest 60 sec

Notes:  Focus on keeping your midline nice and tight. Squeezing your butt and activating your lats.

Advanced athletes should add weight as needed.  If you do not have a strict pull up, work on performing negatives with each rep being 5 seconds.  If you cannot perform a negative on the high bar, perform this in a challenging ring row position.  The Ring rows should feel “easy” at the beginning but hard to maintain tight position on the last few reps and sets. Advanced athletes add a box for elevation.


3 Rounds:
12 Thrusters
21 Kettlebell Swings
Run 400m
-16 min cap-

Notes: RX is 115/75 for the Thrusters and 75/55kg for the KettleBell Swings

Cool Down

Reverse Snow Angels x 20 reps
Side Plank Leg Raise x 20 reps each
Calf Stretch x :60
Pigeon Stretch x :60

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