Monday, August 31, 2015

The beginning of our 4th week of the EIE Challenge!  Stay focused and consistent with your plan of action.

Signup for the PCFWC Triathlon HERE.  Current signups are at 5 people from each gym, which means we are almost halfway there!  Remember, we are also looking for volunteers if you want to help support your fellow athletes.

Weekly Programming:  CrossFit, FastFit, Venice Barbell


Bottom of the Squat x 2 minutes
Side Plank Leg Raises x 20 each
Foam Roll Calves and Triceps x 2 minutes
Leg Swings x 10 each direction


Jog 400 meters
5 Inchworms
15 Wall Squats
15 Pushups
15 Tuckups
100′ Broad Jump, focus on quality landing
10 Back Squats


5×1 Back Squats

Notes:  Warmup and perform 5 heavy singles.  The first set should be around 90%.  Do not rest more than 2 minutes between sets.

 Its ok if you do not PR today!

 Newer athletes that are still working on form can perform sets of 3-5 reps.  Maintain straight posture as you lower yourself down. Make sure the hip crease is below the knees before you stand up. Fight to keep your chest up when weight gets heavy. Please add a box if you struggle to get below parallel. If that is the case please keep the weight light until proper form and technique is achieved. 


10 min AMRAP:
6 Front Squats
12 Toes to Bar
6 Box Jump Overs

Notes: RX weight should be 115/75lbs for Front Squats and 24/20 for Box Jump Overs. Please perform hanging knee raises if you cannot perform Toes to Bar.

Cool Down

2 Rounds:
Arch Hold x :60
Couch Stretch x 2 min

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