Tuesday, August 4, 2015
Lets keep it up! 117 people and counting! Click HERE to get started with the EIE Challenge!
Satellite PCF member Michael Lim doing his thing in Hawaii.
Theraband Routine x 15 reps each
Scapula Pushups x 15 reps
Posterior Chain Flossing x :30 each
4 Rounds of Rowling
The goal is to row 100 meters exactly. For every meter over/under you must perform 2 burpees!
Every Minute on the Minute for 10 minutes:
4 Strict Dips
8 Bent Over Dumbbell Row
Notes: Add weight to the dips or perform on a bench if needed. Ensure full range of motion and lockout on each rep. For the rows, focus on maintaining a solid midline position and work up to the heaviest set possible.
20min AMRAP:
200 meter Farmer Carry
10 Strict Handstand Pushups
15 Toes To Bar
Notes: Rx+ is 55/35 Kbs and strict HSPU. Rx is 35/25 Dbs and L-seated presses for the Strict HSPU. Scale the toes to bar to knees to elbows or vups if needed.
Cool Down
2 rounds:
10 Wall Extensions
10 Hip Extensions