Monday, August 3, 2015
We are gaining about 10 new participants every day for the EIE Challenge! If you are on the fence, go for it! The only obligation you have by signing up HERE is that you will receive an email.
Congrats to Alex Causey for winning the F45 fitness competition at the US Open in Huntington Beach this weekend!
Super Rack Stretch x :30 each
Cat Stretch x 15 reps
Sampson Stretch x :30 each
Posterior Chain Flossing x 15 reps each
Jog 200 meters
10 Good Mornings
10 Front Squats
10 Deadlifts
10 Hang Power Cleans
Power Clean – Work up to a heavy 2
Notes: Focusing on good form and technique work up to a heavy set of 2. Add weight as you go up, DO NOT go to failure. Scaled athletes can perform a deadlift plus hang clean for each rep.
3 Rounds:
10 Hang Power Cleans
200m Run
30 Wall Balls
Notes: RX+ weight is 135/95. Rx is 95/65lbs. If needed, scale to a DB Hang Power Cleans. The Med Ball weight is 20/14 for both.
Cool Down
Pigeon Stretch x :90 each
Couch Stretch x :90 each
Calf Stretch x :90 each
Pike Stretch x :90