April 18

Saturday, April 18, 2015


Super rack stretch, 30 seconds each
Monster walks, 10 each direction
15 Banded squats
Wrist mobility
Samson stretch, 30 seconds each


Row or run 400 meters
5 Inchworms
12 Reverse Lunges
10 Pike sit ups
:30 Handstand hold or plank hold
5 Good mornings
5 Strict press
5 Pause Front squats

Cool down:

Calf stretch, 30 seconds each
10 Wall extensions
Couch stretch, 1 minute each
Straddle, 1 minute


Alternate every minute for 14 minutes:
Even:  Front Squats x 2 reps
Odd:  3-5 Strict Handstand Pushups

Notes:  For the squats, start around 65% and build up to a max for the day.  For the hspu, start with an easy range of motion and increase the range of motion each round.

 For advanced athletes this will include a deficit.

Partner Conditioning

8 Rounds for time:
Row 250 Meters
15 Kettlebell Clean and Push Press
Run 200 meters
-24 min cap-

Notes:  Partners alternate each movement.  Prescribed is two 35/25 kbs.  Scale down to dumbbells if needed.

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