March 26

Thursday, March 26, 2015

Next Friday is our first ever Women’s Only Workout and Wine night.  This will be a free workout for all friends and family at Venice from 7:30pm until the wine runs out!


Theraband Routine
:30 seconds Bottom of Squat hold
Downdog ankle stretch, 20x
Lat Activations + 10 Bar taps
15 Scapula Push ups
20 Hollow Rocks
:30 second Bottom of Squat hold


Double under practice, 2 minutes
20 Mountain Climbers
5 Inchworms (with 2 second hollow hold)
10 Cossack squats
10 Deck squats
5 Burpees
10 Ring Rows or Pull ups

Cool down:

Doorway stretch, 30 seconds each
Pigeon stretch, 1 minute each
Cat stretch, 30 seconds
Calf stretch, 30 seconds each

Fitness Strength

Every minute for 15 minutes:
Minute 1:  :15 Bottom of the Pistol, each leg
Minute 2:  Front lever progression x :20
Minute 3:  8 Straight Arm plate Raises

Notes:  Scale the pistol drill by putting a plate under your heel, using a counter weight in front of you or a combination of things.  Focus on keeping the heel down and the knee stabilized, not inside the toes.  Scale up by holding a PVC overhead.  If this is hard on your knees, hold the bottom of a two footed squat for :30.  Improve on your front lever from last week!  Focus on straight arms and using the lats to press down.  For the straight arm plate raises, keep your body in a hollow position, start light and focus on perfect form.

Fitness Conditioning

5 rounds:
1 minute of rowing
1 minute of burpees
1 minute of double-unders
1 minute rest

Notes:  Try for as many reps as possible of EACH exercise, not just total score. Post separate totals of calories rowed, burpee reps and double-under reps.  If you cannot perform the double unders, perform singles.


Time to treat the Ladies! :) Join us for a night of girly bonding and vino, hosted by the amazing Lindsay Sudell andAlexandra Causey! 

Bring your girlfriends, sweat together and hang out with new friends over a glass of wine after, not even changing from your workout clothes. :)

No crossfit experience necessary and no charge to bring your girlfriends! :)


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