January 27

Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Starting next week, the midday MDR schedule is changing to 10 and 11am with no more noon class.  Sorry for any inconvenience!


Tricep mash/rack stretch
Fire Hydrants, 10 each direction
Wrist and ankle mobility


Jog 200 meters
15 Squats
10 Push ups
:30 second side plank hold/each
5 Pull ups or Ring rows
5 Pause Front squats

Cool down

Pigeon stretch
Straddle stretch
10 Wall extensions

Fitness Strength

1. Perform 3x Max L-sits while warming up for the front squats

1. Every 2 minutes for 10 minutes perform:  2 Front Squats plus 5-10 Pushups

Notes:  This should be slightly heavier than last week!  If you are just starting, this will be a baseline that you can build off for next week.  Use a box or ball if needed to ensure a quality bottom position.  Focus on perfect form for the pushups and scale to a box or band if needed.

Advanced Strength

1. Perform 3x Max L-sits while warming up for the front squats

1. Every 2 minutes for 10 minutes perform:  Front Squat x 1 rep

Notes:  If you are working with percentages, this should be at 95%+ or slightly heavier than you performed last week.

Fitness Conditioning

3 Rounds:
15 Kettlebell Swings
200 meter run
-Rest 3 minutes, then perform-
3 Rounds:
15 Pullup
400 meter run
-20 min cap-

Notes:  Prescribed is 55/35 and regular pullups.  New athletes and those with mobility issues should perform russian style swings and ring rows.

Advanced Conditioning

3 Rounds:
15 Kettlebell Swings (70/55)
5 Muscleups
-Rest 3 minutes, then perform-
3 Rounds:
15 Chest to Bar Pullups
Run 400 meters
-20 min cap-

Notes:  Scale the MUs to bar variation or hip to ring pullups plus dips.




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