January 17
Saturday, January 17, 2015
PCFU Oly Course starts today! 10:30 am in Venice! Slam bars!!
Posterior chain flossing
Monster walks
Scapula Push ups
With a light kettlebell:
5 Goblet squats
5 Jumping squats (no weight)
10 Kettlebell swings
5 Push press (each side)
10 Russian Twists (l/r=1)
Cool down:
Downdog calf stretch
Couch stretch, 1 minute each
10 Wall extensions
Fitness Strength
Back Squat 5-5-5-8-8
Notes: Use the first 3 sets as acclimation sets to prepare you for the final sets of 8 reps. These sets should be heavier than your 10 sets from last week. Rest no more than 2:30 between sets. New athletes should focus on quality over load and use a box if needed to ensure quality depth and form. Experienced athletes should attempt to perform 70-80% on the 8 sets, but remember quality first!
Advanced Strength
Back Squat:
5 reps @ 80%
3 reps @ 85-90%
1 rep @ 90-95%
3×8 reps @ 70-80%
Rest 2:00-2:30 between sets
Notes: Prioritize quality movement above all else! For the big sets at the end, do not take longer than 2 seconds at the top between reps.
Partner Conditioning
500 meter row each
-then 3 rounds each-
15 Kettle Bell Swings
100’ Bear Crawl
-then 3 rounds each-
10 Partner Burpees
100 meter overhead Med Ball Run
500 meter row each
-20 min time cap-
Notes: Prescribed is 55/35 Kbs to overhead and 20/14 med balls. One partner is working while the other partner is resting. Each partner will complete a full round before switching.