‘Kickin’ it for Kelly’ Tomorrow!
Friday December 5, 2014
As I hope you know by now, our fundraiser “Kickin’ it for Kelly” is this Saturday and is for Steve’s 26 year old sister who has recently been diagnosed with AML, an aggressive type of Leukemia. She is currently going through chemo and 100% of the funds we raise will be used to help her pay her bills.
Here are the details:
The event will be held at Venice from 9am-Noon with heats running every half hour.
We ask that all athletes donate $25 for participation
Anyone is invited to participate, so bring your friends and family!
Theraband Routine (Ext. Rot/ Circles/ Step Aways, 12 reps each)
Active Hang, 30 sec
Inchworms, 10 reps
10 PVC Dislocate with Lunge
10 Plank to DownDog
Pushups- Hand Release, Wide, Planche- 5 reps each
Lat Activation- Wide, Med, Narrow- Overhand and Underhand- 5 reps each
10 Bench Dips (legs straight if possible)
10 Burpees
Overhead Band Distraction, 30 sec each
German Hang, 30 sec
Reverse Plank Hold, 30 sec
Band Lat Stretch, 30 sec each
Fitness and Advanced Strength
Five sets of:
Unsupported Seated Strict Press x 5 reps
Notes: Rest as needed between sets. Goal is to perform 5% more than was performed on Friday, November 21.
Fitness Conditioning
Every four minutes, for 24 minutes (6 sets) of:
Run 400 Meters
50′ Broad Jump
5 Wall Walks
Notes: Compare to October 10th. Scale as needed. You should have at least 30 seconds of rest before you start your next set.
Advanced Conditioning
Every four minutes, for 24 minutes (6 sets) of:
Run 400 Meters
10 Push Press (115/75 lbs)
5 Muscle-Ups
Notes: Compare to October 10th. Scale as needed. You should have at least 30 seconds of rest before you start your next set.